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Custom Experiences

Inquire about combining activities to create 
your custom experience package.



The Upper Humber Settlement  embraces Newfoundland's culture and through our very unique and small setting you will get lost in the little moments and discover a part of yourself. Once you arrive in Newfoundland, Newfoundland will always be a part of you. 


Farm to Table

Mid July - Mid  September

Coming Soon...

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Sighting Tour

Summer and Fall

Coming Soon...

Romantic Picnic Couple

Cormack Taste


May - October

Coming Soon...

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Summer and Fall

Coming Soon...



The infamous saying "the west coast is the best coast" could not be more true than during the winter months. It's a prime opportunity to get out and #explorenl and Cormack is the heart of Western Newfoundland's winter activities. Winter is also the time to get together, create music, and sample some of Nan's baked goods made with delicious foraged berries. 


A true Newfoundland experience happens in the winter, one you cannot get anywhere else in the world!

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